Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Collaborative Wall With Chris Dolman

This was a week well spent. Had loads of fun painting this with Chris. Was nice to collab without being forced. The piece is a colour overload. A homage of sorts to the psychedelic art of the 60's and 70's. We plan on working on more walls in the future.


  1. You know, I walked right by this a couple days ago and thought, "did Jack do this wall and not mention it???" and I totally forgot to ask you.

    I saw your sticker today at uni for your blog (and forgot to tell you I saw it, of course....), now we can be blog pals....*weep* :D

    It's massively cool seeing photos of your work up here...I really dug looking through the restaurant ones since I haven't seen those in person.

  2. This is Jelena by the way, since my enigmatic and lovable personality doesn't come through as obviously over the internets.

  3. Sweet! That week break was the perfect time to do this bad boy....and man did that wall desperately need a fix-uppins. what was with all those random painted cockroaches?? LOL
